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U.S.-Iran Tensions via Israel

Updated: Apr 28

The U.S. and Iran have been involved in recent tensions surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflicts.

Israel’s continual air strikes at the Gaza Strip have left a near 34,000 dead according to the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza and have been viewed unfavorably by many nations, Iran notably. 

America’s allyship with Israel has brought it under the same condemnation from the international community. This includes Iran and its proxies across the Middle East and North Africa, notably the Houthis in Yemen with various Shiite militias in Iraq and Syria. These groups have already struck U.S. bases in Jordan, as well as Naval personnel and other interests in the Red Sea in attempts to blockade the Suez Canal. 

Meanwhile, Iranian proxies in Lebanon via Hezbollah have been striking Israel from the north.

In addition, President al-Assad of Syria continues to ally with Iran. Therefore, Israel is all but officially confirmed to have struck an alleged Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) base near the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, Syria on April 1. The drone attack killed multiple IRGC commanders and seven other IRGC officials. 

President Biden and leaders in D.C. were forced to come out and tell the public that American personnel had no prior knowledge of the attack to stop American-Iranian tensions from increasing.

Already, Iran has fired more than 200 rockets, drones and other missiles at Israel on the weekend of April 13 and 14 using the principle of retaliation. 

Israel is rumored to have retaliated back on April 19th and allegedly struck the nuclear facility believed to have enriched uranium for an atomic weapon in Natanz, Isfahan Province.

However, the Israeli retaliation was seen more as a sign, and not one to commit damage while the Iranian retaliation left a reported one casualty as most missiles were shot down. According to many Iranian and Israeli sources, the attacks actually caused no damage and have played a role in de-escalation as both nations know each other's capabilities now.

America has applied pressure on Iran since the alleged Israeli attack on the IRGC officials in hopes of protecting its ally Israel so that it can decrease tensions in the region from igniting into a potential nuclear war between Israel and Iran as both nations are believed to have atomic capabilities. 

Leaders in D.C. are doing their best to convince Iran that the U.S. was not part of the Damascus strikes nor had any pre-knowledge of the retaliatory events in Iran to avoid the U.S. being dragged into a potential war with Iran. 

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