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Just What is the Military Industrial

Updated: Mar 24

The term 'Military-Industrial Complex' (MIC) is often mentioned in discussions about America's military interventions or defense spending. It's a buzzword in conspiracy theories, where some question the official narrative and point to the MIC, alongside Wall Street and the Rothschild family, as the root cause of various conflicts. But what exactly does the term mean, and how did the Military-Industrial Complex come into existence?

To understand the MIC, we need a brief history lesson. During World War II, the US military required an enormous amount of arms to defeat its enemies in Europe and the Pacific. This led to the emergence of major defense contractors, which competed for contracts from the Department of Defense (DOD) to supply the required arms. These companies also played a significant role in providing jobs to counter the effects of the Great Depression.

After the war, with the advent of the Cold War and the threat of Communism, the US continued to purchase arms from defense contractors to bolster its military strength. This was especially true during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. The competition with the Soviet Union in defense spending contributed to the USSR's eventual fall, solidifying America's victory in a crucial global conflict.

The MIC is a profit-driven relationship between defense contractors, the US Armed Forces and other stakeholders. For example, companies like Lockheed Martin bid for contracts with the DOD, but they also rely on Congress passing high defense budgets to receive these contracts. To secure congressional support, these contractors strategically establish factories in the districts or states of key legislators, creating jobs and economic prosperity in those areas.

Politicians who oppose this system face challenges in getting elected, as incumbents benefit from the support of defense contractors, unions representing factory workers and other businesses that rely on the economic boost from the military-industrial activities in their districts. The incumbent politicians have an advantage in securing reelection due to the influence of these vested interests.

This intricate web of financial support, political influence and economic dependencies is the Military-Industrial Complex.


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