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Our National Conversation

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Gen Z, Climate Policy, and the Potential Presidential Nominee

Since the unfortunate presidential debate, Democratic voters have strongly voiced for Biden to drop out of the race, calling for the party to produce another candidate. That has since come to pass. At this point in the campaigning process, it is no longer a stretch to assume that Vice President Kamala Harris will become the Democratic presidential nominee. That likelihood results in interested parties inquiring about her policies, her ability to run and what it might mean to have a Black and Asian American woman run against former President Donald Trump. With the party’s previous hopelessness, Kamala Harris has been a breath of fresh air. 

Viral memes and sound bites, such as “You think you fell out of a coconut tree” and “We did it Joe” have already put her on Generation Z’s radar. However, their interest lies further than her “meme-ability” and social media presence. Harris addresses issues such as women’s rights, access to health care, gun violence and climate change. Young voters are set to inherit the world and a majority do not like what they see, especially when they look at the future of their planet.

Biden Harris Administration Highlights 

Harris has a history of fighting climate change. As vice president, Harris has actively participated in the Biden administration and is directly involved in shaping foreign and domestic policy. As such, all climate change policies passed under Biden’s presidency can be associated with her influence. On Aug 7, 2022, Harris was the tie-breaking vote in passing the Inflation Reduction Act. Through grants, loans, rebates and other types of investments, the act implements climate change initiatives that work to produce clean energy. 

The Biden-Harris Administration is dedicated to cutting greenhouse gasses such as methane, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and nitrous oxide (N2O) that contribute to global climate change. 

In 2023, the Biden-Harris Administration implemented around 100 actions to reduce methane emissions. Under the U.S. Methane Emissions Reduction Action Plan the government actively plugs gas leaks, regulates oil and gas emissions and invests in methane detection and prevention technology. Additionally, the administration's Interagency Task Force on Illegal HFC Trade actively prevents illegal HFC shipments, equivalent to 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide at the border.

Green New Deal Support 

Harris has continually supported endeavors to end climate change. For example, she supported the Green New Deal; a congressional resolution with a developed framework designed to address the climate crisis. The deal operates through a human rights lens. It seeks to reach global net-zero emissions by 2050 and simultaneously address societal issues by creating jobs, tackling racial injustice as well as providing clean air, water and healthy food. The Green New Deal was never passed in Congress but it arguably influenced the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022.

UN Dubai Summit 

Additionally, Harris has been an advocate for climate policy beyond domestic concerns. In 2023, Harris represented the U.S. at the U.N. Dubai Summit where she proudly outlined America’s steps to reduce emissions. She boasted that the U.S. turns ambition to action and is pledging 3 billion to the Green Climate Fund that helps developing nations reduce fossil fuels. 

Opposition to Fracking and Insistence for Company Accountability 

In 2016, as California Attorney General, Kamala sued the Obama Administration’s Interior Department for offshore fracking. Additionally, in 2020 she called for a ban on hydraulic fracking, calling it a threat to California’s communities. Furthermore, she has been unafraid to challenge companies for their pollution, including Exxon and  Uhaul

Her history shows that Harris’ climate decisions will resonate with Generation Z’s concerns. So far her environmental platform consists of combating climate change through cutting emissions and holding companies responsible. She has not mentioned specific policies she would like to implement but is unlikely to remove her support for the Inflation Reduction Act. As a young voter, I'm satisfied with her on the climate front– for now. However, one can say that the metaphorical bar is on the ground since Democratic voters are looking for anyone who can stand against Trump. There is still much to be done and it remains to be seen if Harris will become the presidential nominee. As for Gen Z voters, I think I speak for most of us in saying that we’re still researching her remaining policies.

Acknowledgment: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the individual author.


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