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    Ellie Bai

    Hello! My name is Ellie Bai. I am a graduate student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, studying Public Health and Public Policy. I joined Our National Conversation as a Healthcare Policy Writer Intern in summer 2024. I'm passionate about health equity, improving healthcare accessibility, and enhancing delivery system quality and efficiency.

    Insights & Articles by Ellie Bai:

    Week 1 OpEd

    Make Elections Safe Again

    As President Donald Trump begins his second term, the 2024 election cycle has left a lasting impression on the nation. Marked by controversy, violence and widespread mistrust, the cycle revealed deep vulnerabilities in the U.S. democratic system. Among the most...

    Affordable Medications for a Healthier America

    Big Picture  Americans have been burdened with high prescription drug costs for ages now, a critical issue closely tied to health outcomes. The United States is the global leader in per capita pharmaceutical spending, with 2021 data showing that the...